2024-Q2 Quarterly Review

Back to Work:

With an extension of our regular 3-year Memorandum of Agreement with Ministry of Health 2024-2026 signed we could complete the importation and customs process for the Revolving Drug Fund medicines and resume our activities:  This includes activities aimed at increasing numbers of patients::

  • A peer educator network service was set up at Bavet Hospital in Chiphou Operational District (OD) for patients who – until then – had to travel far to Chiphou Referral Hospital.
  • A new group of 11 candidate Peer Educators began their 5-week training in April. Among them 10 candidates passed the exam (in May) to become peer educator to replace PE’s (who had died) or to expand the existing networks: They are from the following areas: In Takeo, 2 from OD Daunkeo and 2 Prey Kabas OD; In Kampong Cham: 2 from Chamkaleu OD; in Kandal,  2 from Ksach Kandal OD; in Svay Rieng: 1 from Chiphou and 1 from Svay Teab.
  • We signed a 1st annual agreement with OD Boribo (Kampong Chhnang) for a new program. Soon after, our Program Officers conducted field visits in collaboration with all 10 Health Center Directors in OD Boribo in Kampong Chhnang province to identify potential candidates to be trained as Peers educators in this area. There, we found 8 candidates from 8 HC areas willing and suitable to become trained by us as peer educator.
  • For the same reason, we were in Krouch Chhmar OD in Tboung Khmum province. However, after visiting 4 HC (Pes Pi, Rorka Khnol, Trea, Kompong Treas HC) only 1 candidate was found.

NCD Primary prevention activities:

These are done mainly in areas where the awareness is low and where available services seem a bit underused. We chose 4 OD’s, 8 communes, 3 provinces. In total 230 participants joined selected from local commune leaders.:

  • Communes SomLey, Bavet, Baty, Brasat in OD ChiPhou, Svay Rieng province, and
  • Commune from Kosh Pish, OD krouch Chhmar, Tbong Khmum province,
  • Communes Preah Prasob, Pok Russey, Rorka Chunloeung in OD Ksach Kandal, Kandal province.

These NCD prevention activities are – where most appropriate – followed by Awareness raising in villages by Urine Glucose (UG) strip distributions to adults for self-testing urine 2-3 hours after lunch. This was done in collaboration with 6 Health Centers and chiefs in 40 villages, where  23,974 UG strips in total were handed out together with instructions:

  • at 13 villages 8,786 UG strips in coverage area of So Korng HC, OD Korng Meas, Kompong Cham province;
  • at 19 villages 13,401 UG strips to villagers in coverage area of 3 HC (Skun HC, Preing Chrum HC, Daun Dom HC) OD Choeung Prey, Kampong Cham Province;
  • at 4 villages distribution of 1,420 UG strips to villagers in Kosh Pih HC, OD Krouch Chhmar, Tbong Khmum Province,
  • at 4 villages 367 UG strips to villagers in area of Presh Prasob HC, OD Ksach Kandal, Kandal province. 

Doctor Refresher Trainings: We facilitated for 2 doctors who will be doing consultations in new areas a 2-week refresher training at  Sihanouk Hospital Center of Hope: 1 Dr from RH Chiphou in Svay Rieng province and 1 Dr from RH Trapaing Kroleung OD Phnom Srouch in Kampong Speu province. 

Satisfaction surveys among patients were held in 3 provinces: Kampong Cham (OD Korng Meas),Kandal (OD Ksach Kanda)l, Kompong Speu (all 4 OD’s).


  • Program officer and ODPM CT participated in orientation workshops on the Implementation of the Primary Health Care Promotion Framework in Banteay Meanchey Province organized by Bantey Meanchey provincial health department (May).
  • World Bank team visited MoPoTsyo (May).
  • Our program officer and ODPM ChomkaLeu participated in orientation workshops on the Implementation of the Primary Health Care Promotion Framework in Kampong Cham Province.
  • MoPoTsyo presented annual results at Kampong Thom ProTWG (June)
  • MoPoTsyo presented annual results at Takeo ProTWG (June)
  • TWG TB-DM the regular meeting working group that discusses how to improve the linking of patients with Tuberculosis and patients with Diabetes (June).
  • Ang Roka OD now has a new OD Director, so we went there to meet with her and all peer educators to refresh relationship and start again on a good basis. 

Medicines: All orders arrived finally in our stock. Subsequent quality testing at the National Laboratory for Drug Quality Control has shown all items have passed.

Electricity: Our Automatic Switch Board showed growing pains. It did not work well because of imbalance in the tri-phase that had resulted from adding more and more equipment over the years. A professional installation company has come to rebalance the charges. Problem solved for now until we must buy a bigger generator.

Audit 2023:  As in previous years the external financial auditor audited our NGO’s financial statements on financial year (2023). It was signed and submitted to ACAR, which must be done on time and with all reports that ACAR require. This is more than last year.

Our bilingual comprehensive Annual Report 2023 was uploaded to our website, see https://www.mopotsyo.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Annual-Reports_2023.pdf

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