2018-Q3 (July, August and September)

Training of new Peer Educators: On 27 July 5 new Peer Educators passed the exam. They are from Kampong Thom and from Kampong Speu. Some replace peer educators that have deceased.

Training of Doctors at Center of Hope: During Quarter 3 of 2018, we have facilitated (paid) for 2 week trainings of 5 Doctors, which these Doctors received at the Center of Hope in Phnom Penh. After these trainings the doctors are more confident to do the medical consultations in their own referral hospital in districts where we have a peer educator network.

Hep C: Our Hep C screening is going well. We have so far screened 795 diabetic patients, detected 45 (=5.7%) positive Hep C, and among them 31 viremic Hep C cases who will get free Hep C treatment from MSF France at Kossamak. This means that +/- 3.9% of diabetic patients have Hep C disease. We have about 13,000 members with Diabetes, so we can perhaps help 500 Diabetes with Hep C in the same way. This month the WHO calls for better access to Hep C treatment worldwide http://www.who.int/hepatitis/en/

Research University of Washington: We conducted Focus Group Discussions and In-Depth Interviews during August and September to ask peer educators and patients what they think of the voice messages. Researcher Lesley Steinman arrived in Phnom Penh on August 10th, to stay for 45 days to work with us on this. The final data set of the study (period 08 August 2017 until 30 June 2018) has been extracted from the database, anonymised and sent to UW for analysis.

Donation of old office furniture from Nyemo Cambodia. Thanks to Dr Kanary, on Sunday 19th of August, we received a useful donation from used office furniture that still belonged to Nyemo. We hired a truck to transport it all to our office.

NIPH Workshop on Research Agenda, On 17 August, I joined a workshop to brainstorm about the priorities for research for NIPH for the future.

IT: Our IT upgraded WINDOWS on our server and we outsourced an upgrade of our own software application for our DB.

Case study MoPoTsyo peer reviewed article available in Open Access: The article that was published earlier is now Open Access via https://rdcu.be/6qqb
Our website is improved (www.mopotsyo.org) and can also be seen on mobile phone.

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