1st Quarterly Review 2017: January through March
1st Quarter : January through March 2017
Our urban programme was severely affected by the loss of our urban program manager, Mr Thorng Sovanra, due to a tragic lethal traffic accident late afternoon Friday 30 December 2016. Of course his family was even affected more strongly. He had been involved in MoPoTsyo in many different roles since 2006, first as a diabetic patient and later as peer educator and then as supervisor of the urban peer educators. He left behind his wife and young children.
Research preparation University of Washington: Our new database should be almost ready in order to start the randomized trial of sending voice messages to diabetes patients. We are waiting for ethical clearance from NECHR. We sent the English translation of the Focus Group Discussion scripts to UW (in Seattle) for qualitative analysis, and held meetings with INSTEDD to organize the software for the Voice Messaging. As part of the trial we will distribute 12 Inch tablets to randomly selected peer educators. So we also ordered preparation of the software for those tablets.
Our intermediary belgian NGO donor Louvain Coopéeration au Développement has informed MoPoTsyo in February 2017 that its has decided to cut out MoPoTsyo of its new aid program (development aid from the French speaking part of the Belgian government).
We are going through a new registration process at the Ministry of Interior to adapt our Articles of Association to the new law on NGO’s and to change the Board Organizational Chart because our President intends to resign and must be replaced. At the same time, we are applying to TIN number at the TAX department, which is needed in order to continue to import medicines.
We insulated the training room on the 3rd floor of the Program Building to save energy and related cost